OUTDATED PAGE WARNING: This page has been replaced by our new ‘Find Me’ page and will be discontinued.
New URL: https://www.overhere.co.za/findme/
1) Search for your old address, landmark or GPS coordinates:
2) Confirm the precise location of your new address by zooming in and dragging the red marker:
The Mapcode library decodes your mapcode back to the following: | These were your original coordinates as reported by Google: |
Latitude: | Latitude: |
Longitude: | Longitude: |
Which is the best mapcode for you?
Depending on your location (e.g. near country borders where mapcode regions overlap), there may be multiple possible mapcodes for the very same location. Generally you should use the shortest one that is closest to the local context, but you can also use the distance verification to pick the optimal one.
The mapcode system has divided the earth into a series of grids, so that every block on earth has a unique mapcode. You can now have all the accuracy and flexibility of GPS coordinates, expressed in a short code of only 5 to 6 characters (excluding the country code).
Share your mapcode with these direct links:
This link will display your mapcode on a map:
This link will generate directions via Google Maps:
This link is for quick navigation between this mapcode and another:
This link is for walking-distance off-road navigation to this mapcode: